Dayton OH Motorcycle Accident Attorney - ROCK LAW OFFICE
Dayton Motorcycle Accident Attorney W. Randall Rock Has Been Providing Rock Solid representation For Over 33 Years. FREE CONSULTATION. NO FEE Until You Win!
Motorcycle Accident Attorney
In 2015, according to the Ohio Department of Public Safety, law enforcement agencies throughout the State of Ohio recorded 3,800 crashes involving motorcycles. Of that number, 3,147 of those crashes resulted in injury and an additional 163 of those crashes resulted in death. That is an eye opening statistic because, of all crashes involving motorcycles, only 490 of those reported accidents, or only 13% of the total, reported no injury or death. Often times it is the motorcyclist or their passenger who sustain the brunt of the injury or death, especially due to the fact that motorcycles and their occupants occupy the same roadway as automobiles and trucks and lack the protection afforded the drivers or occupants of those motor vehicles. It should go without saying that, even though the same rules of the road apply, motorcycles are simply more difficult to see on the open road. At W. Randall Rock, Attorney at Law we understand that motorcycle operators and their passengers are entitled to the same rights, privileges and compensation enjoyed by operators and occupants of other motor vehicles when they are injured due to the negligence and recklessness of others.
As someone who enjoys the freedom and experience of the open road, that only a motorcycle can bring, W. Randall Rock knows full well the issues which often confront motorcyclists, and will fight hard to protect those rights and make sure that they are fairly and adequately compensated for the injuries and damages they sustain, including, but not necessarily limited to, compensation for their medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages and income due to their inability to work.
If you have been injured on a motorcycle as a result of the negligence or recklessness of another contact our office and schedule a FREE, NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION. As with all motor vehicle accidents, the law limits the amount of time that is available to settle your motorcycle accident claim. This limit of time is often referred to as the Statute of Limitations. In other words, if your injury claim is not settled on or before the expiration of the Statute of Limitations a lawsuit must be filed before the expiration of the limitation to protect your ability to make a claim. So if you have questions or concerns, CONTACT US NOW.
Call us at (937)224-7625(ROCK), or at (855)206-7628, or complete the form below to receive a FREE CASE EVALUATION or FREE INITIAL and CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION. Like claims for wrongful death and medical malpractice, we will represent your interests on a contingent fee basis and, therefore, there is NO FEE UNLESS YOU PREVAIL.
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